XM Bootcamp III

My thoughts of different XM Satellite Radio channels(programs) during Bootcamp III - 2004

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

XM Channel 83

LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Makes we want to get out my dancing shoes, sequined
top, sequined beret and satin skirt!

Also another one of my pre-programmed buttons :)

Monday, September 20, 2004

XM Channels 60, 45 and 20

Sorry - could'nt listen on these days - had my son and grandson visiting from Hawaii (can you imagine them coming to California instead of me going there?).

I'll try to catch these channels at a later date.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

XM Channel 6

Another one for the good old days - Elvis, Eddie Cochran, the Beatles - oh
yes! Once again very pleasant reminders of my younger years. This is my
pre-programmed #3!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

XM Channel 5

Oh yes! Really brings back memories of when I first came to this country
in 1953, from England, where they were still trying to recover from
WWII, everything was still rationed, not too many telephones, not too
many TV's!

Came to So. California, and the land of cheeseburgers, milk shakes,
drive-thru movie theaters, poodle skirts, pony tails, bobby sox, blue
jeans and many, many things I had never even heard of (better be quiet
here or I'll be telling too much).

This is a GREAT channel and my SECOND favorite after Channel 4 -
needless to say it's preprogrammed button #2!

Monday, September 13, 2004

XM Channel 4

WOW - my VERY favorite (being 65+), I remember a lot of this music,
probably because my Mom and Dad played it on the radio, had records
(78's no less) and were also dance instructors.

I especially appreciate the news broadcasts from that era, as I was born
and raised in England and lived there through WW II, I was kind of young
but I remember some of the news items and the bombings of London.

Needless to say this channel was one of the main reasons I subscribed to
XM (in addition to the 50's channel) and it is my number 1 preprogrammed

XM Channel 54

Well, not too bad. Since it was Saturday (my chore day) I didn't get a
chance to listen for very long, however I enjoyed some of what I heard.

BRING ON MONDAY - for Channel 4!

XM Channel 21

Definitely NOT!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

XM Channel 47

Well, sorry but not one of my favorite channels. I tried to listen
coming in to work and for a while here at the office, however this is
not my type of music (with the exception of very few songs).

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

XM Channel 8

Well, I couldn't listen too much today - some of the music (disco type)
was wonderful, but the rock I remember now is the reason I quit
listening to "old time" radio in the 80's and went to 8 track player!

Any way I am having fun with exploring channels I probably wouldn't
listen to otherwise. Hope to listen a little more time now that I have
my Roady Boomboom box built - I'll post pics on the XM Forum when I get
them - check
&start=0 for my posting in the next few days. Not bad for an "old" lady
who is electrically challenged!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

XM Channel 7

Well I really enjoyed listening to the 70's today, I had forgotten many
of the great songs they had (even though I should remember them), and
although I do have this channel programmed - seems I rarely change to
it. I'll have to remember to do that periodically!